Girl Fight Fitness

Pumping Iron (Glenville)
with Mike Rotolo

April 8 (Monday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Glenville - Studio B

Want to learn to lift?  This 60-minute workout will incorporate preparatory stretching, some core strength moves, and then the mechanics, form, and process of lifting weights properly.  We'll hit every body part and rev up your metabolism.  If you want to add lean muscle tone to your body, this is the class for you.  

Here's what you can expect:
  • Improve your bone density and help prevent osteoporosis, a degenerative bone disease common in women as we age.
  • Accelerate fat loss.
  • Improve your body composition.
  • Reduce your risk of chronic diseases.
  • Benefit your mental health.
  • Improve your flexibility and mobility.
  • Make you feel strong, empowered, and confident.
Class size is limited due to the detailed amount of instruction involved.

Note:  Class participants are strongly encouraged to purchase weight lifting gloves to protect your hands due to the nature of the class.


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